Anime Japan Video Music Auriga – DJ Spoke – Watch Them Fall Down (HD)

Anime Japan Video Music Auriga - DJ Spoke - Watch Them Fall Down (HD)

Click ME Gusta!! Suscribete :) Anime Japan Video Music Aurig…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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50 thoughts on “Anime Japan Video Music Auriga – DJ Spoke – Watch Them Fall Down (HD)

  1. PreventingExtinction

    If anybody was in a position to prevent extinction and fight the forces of darkness it would be Team Nostromo.

    Raison D’etre – Croix Marin – Rosary Crucible; Timeless Testament!

  2. Jael Pena Tejada

    Oye man, sabes que si nostromo ve que tu subiste ese video sin su permiso (Digo Yo) te puede denunciar.

  3. uberme90

    The quality of this upload does not do the AMV or the song in justice. The FPS is severely dropped.

    It’s absolutely PHENOMENAL on niconico (which must be the original source). If you have an account there, do yourself a favor and watch it from there.

    【AMV】AURiGA【various】 is the title on nico.

  4. 宝くじ当選しました 当選金お譲りします


  5. 宝くじ当選 当選金おゆずりします


  6. 宝くじ当選 当選金おゆずりします


  7. Zofnok

    I have to say, personally, the time it takes to complete this school just isnt worth it. There are many great self taught/published comic and manga artist, if you are really one who will be above the common heard, then youll be less likely to follow in the footsteps of others who become mangaka assistants for years before ever writing their own manga.

  8. WanderingDoragon

    It’s always been my dream to become an anime artist and unfortunately I have the misfortunate of being an american who wants to study anime where the heart of anime was born which is in japan. People always say no to me when I explain this to them not like I didn’t expect it and each time they give me their list of reasons why i should give up it just gives me all the more fuel to keep trying and to never give up searching for a way to accomplish my dream of being an anime artist!

  9. alexdhamp

    Accepting foreigners is probably a good idea…especially for seiyuu so that the westerners in a movie/series actually -sound- like westerners.

  10. Dean Bellamy

    come on dude, i appreciate your ambitions and all but seriously, can we fix up on the english skills before jumping ahead?

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