Japan seeks to boost manga comic industry – 21 May 09

Japan seeks to boost manga comic industry - 21 May 09

Manga, the uniquely Japanese comic books popular around the world, are facing declining sales as more people turn to mobile phones and other digital content …
Video Rating: 4 / 5

This is my life and dream in japan. You may watch it online here (episode 5): http://jibtv.com/info/manabiya/index.html.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

26 thoughts on “Japan seeks to boost manga comic industry – 21 May 09

  1. Pingback: Japan seeks to boost manga comic industry – 21 May 09 | リンク集

  2. dexydozaemon


  3. RichardCookieDino

    How do you get a scholarship to help pay off you’re living expenses to live in japan? What scholarship did you recieve? i would be appreciated if you answer back please :)

  4. Jovan Lagrotta

    well you should come up with your own style, never copy other people’s style of art and also, yes you should buy some book ’cause you never know when you stumble upon something you don’t know how to draw, also you should learn Japanese(of course) and practice every day and never let anyone tell you, you cant do it you can and good luck!!

  5. lollyclan

    Hello i am just a fan art sketcher and am in love with manga. Where i live is very small and has hardly any fascilities. I really need guidance! I would really appreciate some advice. What should someone who is just starting manga do? Should i buy some books? Should i look at some sites? Also how do you gain motivation. Sorry to ask so much but you are very inspirational!

  6. Chloe P.

    Do you think that it is possible for a middle class American to get into Kyoto Seika university? And also pay for tuition and an apartment? I really want to go to this university, but I don’t have much money….

  7. APCommon

    例えばジャンケン グー、チョキ、パーで勝敗を決める単純なゲームですが

  8. Matu tomo


  9. Leng ShengHsia

    hi, I’m a gaijin. Do I need to take EJU (Examination for Japanese University Admission for International) if I wanted to to enter Kyoto Seika University to learn manga?

  10. Daniela Fernandez

    The end of Moe Kare made my heart literally stoped. I loved that anime. I’m glad that you are there! It makes me happy :D

  11. 100promega

    for a college in japan it isnt expensive at all it comes at about 8573.60 USD, the normal cost for both semester and 2nd semester in japanese yen is 800000…so she probably worked in a little store or something but realtively it is very cheap compared to united states colleges..

  12. Jonathan Moon

    I imagine the narrator cocking his head to the side with a giant fake smile at the end of each sentence he says.

  13. M4rtyisi

    Finisco col darti i miei più vivi complimenti per tutto quello che fai e sei riuscita a fare,sei bravissima e hai molto talento,perciò continua a sfruttarlo e continua a seguire i tuoi sogni!! ^^

  14. M4rtyisi

    Sono italiana come te..che dire,ho visto per caso questo tuo video e non me ne sono affatto pentita,mi ha fatto riflettere su tante cose, sai ci somigliamo molto per passioni e altro in comune ma soprattutto per i manga,è da quando sono piccola che sogno anche io la stessa cosa e vedere che tu ci sei riuscita in parte mi rende abbattuta in parte felice,perchè sei riuscita a riaccendere un barlume di speranza in me sperando che anche io un giorno arrivi dove sei tu.

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