Domo Kun Kyaraben Bento Create a bento of this famous mascot of NHK broadcasting station, Domo-kun. A easy recipe for beginners trying to create kyara…

You know you’ve been in Japan too long when you start eating lunch out of a pig shaped lunchbox… and eating sausages in the shapes of an octopus or rice ba…

34 thoughts on “Domo Kun Kyaraben Bento

  1. Rilakumaki

    Me too, My mom made regular lunches for me… Still appreciated it, but it would have been cool to get cute bentos too lol

  2. Rilakumaki

    You should see what some of the ones I’ve seen. This is crap compared to the pros (Japanese housewives) I’ve seen Snow White and Rapunzel bentos.

  3. viaramos09

    lol. its currently summer there right now and im currently in the uk so yeah. il probably be home a week or so after class starts there. :)

  4. WelcomeToTheScene1

    you start school when its summer break here(america :D ). O_O ive never heard of that…. anyways yea i can’t wait either. xD

  5. viaramos09

    haha. yeah. :) i cnt wait to do them this school year! :) (since the school year in the philippines starts on June) im almost 13 too! :) this May 21. ;)

  6. WelcomeToTheScene1

    you can still make them! no matter how old you get you can still make yourself cute bentos xD i still make them for myself and im almost 13

  7. viaramos09

    i just graduated elementary and i regret not making these for myself for lunch coz dey looked kinda easy to do for my age. :) 

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