Japan Invites Simon/Martina: Day 3 – Food Day!

This is pretty much mostly a food day, when we eat Soba Noodles and…RAMEN! Then we show you half-robot warrior, half-bikini lady machines. I…don’t unders…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

26 thoughts on “Japan Invites Simon/Martina: Day 3 – Food Day!

  1. Pingback: Japan Invites Simon/Martina: Day 3 – Food Day! | リンク集

  2. Len Ito

    Oh, I think those half-bikini lady machines were used in Muse’s Panic Station music video XD

  3. OurKGeneration

    I think the robo thing is from a restaurant. I watch Foodnetwork’s world’s weirdest restaurant and I think it was featured on an episode

  4. Katie Allis

    Lol I love roaming the streets of Japan with my 3DS on. I get on average 18 StreetPass’ easy.

  5. xLovelessHeart

    japanese foods and snacks are usually portion sized which isn’t fattening if you eat a little bit

  6. mcxmatt

    Does anyone else not notice the mysterious floating black fly/dot thingy in the middle of the screen, lolz :P

  7. lalalalalaurah

    The robot-bikini-warrior-centaurs are for ‘Robot Restaurant’ bar where real bikini-clad women operate them in ‘cabaret’ robot shows. If you google “Japanese robot restaurant” you can see/read about it.

  8. elizabethpink

    I would just like to point out that you would be unlikely to “get fat” from true Japanese ramen. It isn’t like ramen in North America, which is full of MSG and other crap. Ramen in Japan is actually very healthy. (^.^)

  9. ya love

    And JP people always talk about losing weight, losing weight book is always in the best seller list.

  10. ya love

    There is no such weight control law, WTF!
    When you go to regular medical check once a year and if you are overweight, the doctor kindly suggests you to lose some weight, that’s it.
    And also there are many fat people in Japan, too. Compared to Caucasoids, Japanese people are easily get fat especially fat stored around internal organs, which is more dangerous. So before becoming enormously fat, JAP people die because of fat around internal organs.

  11. FTNariri

    lols yeah it was even broadcasted on the news
    once a month or so they measure your waist to see if you’re at the “adequate” weight and this is done in like big companies and such

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