Japan Vlog #60 Clubbing in Japan, Shibuya, Roppongi

In this video I tell you my favorite hotspots in Shibuya and Roppongi. One I forgot to mention in Shibuya is a place called “Scramble”. It’s not a club it’s …

25 thoughts on “Japan Vlog #60 Clubbing in Japan, Shibuya, Roppongi

  1. Pingback: Japan Vlog #60 Clubbing in Japan, Shibuya, Roppongi | リンク集

  2. TheMasqueraid

    I’m SUPER jealous lol!!! Scramble (a cafe/bar ) in Shibuya. Go there after 9pm lol that’s when the party starts lol

  3. chefjoels

    Thks for the info on the clubs.I’ll be going to Japan for the first time in 1month.I’m so ready.any other coo places to check out.

  4. Slothy Rawr

    hotboi323 shuddap :P she’s not a square she’s a dork XD in a good way unlike you get off your chair and stop trolling because clearly you want to go to japan or why els are you looking up these videos… just do your thang G.

  5. EP Importers

    Oh yeah very good times, every time. lol I just found you yesterday and little confused with your videos. Are you back in Japan or you just recently visited? If you are not in Japan, are you planning to make it back here again for which ever reason?

  6. TheMasqueraid

    N being a square is what’s up. I think you’re hearing me wrong. Because I did say Shibuya and I did say Roppongi. Whether or not I said it correctly doesn’t matter because I am not teaching Japanese in this video, but talking about my experience with clubbing in Japan. Plus, the places are spelled the way you wrote it, but pronounced differently. eg. Ro-pon-gi, that’s with an English accent. For Japanese it’s Rop-pon-gi. Also, in Japanese the “R” sound is “rr”. Roll the tongue my friend, roll..

  7. hotboi323

    you are such a square

    its (shibuya)”SHI BOO YA” not shhbya and (roppongi)”RO PON GI” not rrra pungy

  8. yasashii89

    as for roppongi, it was my first time ever going to a club in japan and i thought i was gonna get raped! i mean i wasnt the type who had a hard time finding a girl back home, but WOW was it extreme in roppongi. i was even scared, all these girls were wanting to buy me drinks but i started getting real paranoid cus i thought they had slipped date rape drugs in them or something…

  9. yasashii89

    I found shibuya to be boring to be honest, japanese there will ignore u for the most part. Only one place ever asked for my ID, i was 19 at the time, i actually gave them my ID but i did it with confidence and i was let inside. it was dark so i doubt he could see it well, it was probably cus he didnt wanna loose face by saying he couldnt read it. actually it wasnt even a legitimate ID, it was an old student discount card with my pic and it was all in swedish lol (im english btw, not swedish)

  10. shychildmind

    yh its pitta bread with lamb doner or chicken meat in it with added salad and sauce itssss like sooo munch

  11. warduhh

    Thanks for the tips :D I’m just going for traveling. Just gonna be their for a week or so :( Are you living in Japan now?

  12. danera20

    I don’t know if this has been asked before, but did you end up having to have money wired to you from home since you were there for a year.

  13. TheMasqueraid

    Oh and Jumanji cards; if you’re a girl and dress all sexy they’ll let you through lol. But try, they let me in a couple of times before I turned 20 :]

  14. TheMasqueraid

    Will you be doing spring study abroad or just traveling? Wow you’re so lucky and thank you. DUDEEEEE I’m uuberly jelly and I just know you’re going to have so much fun! Also don’t forget to check out scramble in Shibuya. I wrote about it in the description box. Oh and the older you dress (for some clubs in Roppongi you have to dress up or else you can’t get in D; All I’m saying is don’t look like a bum lol) the more likely you’re going to pass for someone 20 and up lol.

  15. warduhh

    Great Video :)  So i’m going to go to Japan in December hopefully and i’m 19 so i”ll hopefully get into one of those clubs in Roppongi you recommended.

  16. TheMasqueraid

    Idk Rudy and I hope no one falls into a situation like that haha. EVER. LOL Thanks ^^

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