How to make ______????? (You guess)

This is the one of our traditonal foods. It’s not anything beans.It also has nothing to do with Hannibal Lecter…lol It’s called ”shirako” . It’s milt or …
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26 thoughts on “How to make ______????? (You guess)

  1. Pingback: How to make ______????? (You guess) | リンク集

  2. 777rockerchick

    LOL I love you reference to Epic Meal Time :D “Bacon strips” … you are reall cool and funny.

  3. ithry18

    ”* You don’t need any bacon strips. ” LOL I had to subscribe just for this one! But why people are disgusted? I grew up eating “rognons blancs” aka lamb testicles… I’m probably sure there’s semen in them as well. And people saying brain is yurk… if you happen to taste it you’d love it! In France it’s mostly prepared with tomatoes and parsley. It’s SOOO yummy, but I have to restrain myself from eating it too much since it’s super rich in fat…

  4. PlasticaAZ

    In Italy they use to eat the tuna’s sperm sacs salt preserved, but they don’t sell it, it is a thing just among family and friends, so it’s hard to find.

  5. 1klyve1

    Shirako is male fish sperm and eating this is wrong on so many levels. But i’ll never forget when my grandmother gave me shiokara when i was little now that was f_cking grotesque.

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